Questions about olive tree sponsorships 2024

Questions about olive tree

Questions about olive tree sponsorships 2024? Here you will find all the information about the adoptions of organic olive trees. How long they run, how to extend them and much more.

What does olive tree sponsorship mean?

With an olive tree sponsorship, you are the sponsor of the olive tree for the duration of the sponsorship. The tree is not planted for you, it has been growing in the olive grove for many years. Some olive trees are several hundred years old. Godfather means that you alone have the patronage of this tree. He gets a wooden sign with your name on it, or a name that you choose. During the adoption period, you can visit your tree if you register with us in advance.
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The olive trees are not freely accessible, but on our farm. Therefore, it is necessary that you agree a visit date with us.

How long does an olive tree sponsorship take?

A sponsorship always runs for one year, i.e. 365 days after the conclusion. A few weeks before the end of the sponsorship, we will write to you and ask you if you want to extend another year. You can then decide that freely. Alternatively you can subscribe to
Permanently conclude as a subscription
. However, you can change, interrupt or cancel this at any time, simply online.

Can I choose my olive tree?

Of course, this is theoretically possible. But for that you would have to be there with us and know which olive trees are the right ones, so have the right size and are still free. In most cases, we choose the trees. However, you can specify when ordering whether your tree should have certain characteristics, e.B. have a beautiful sea view, or be particularly old. We will then try to implement this. And we are currently working on a map with all the trees of each farm. Here you can choose a free tree.

to the map with the trees >>


What do I get as the godfather of a tree?

When you complete a sponsorship of an olive tree you have a certificate and a wooden sign on your olive tree. We then take photos and a video of the tree. We then upload all of this to a Dropbox folder and send you the link or we create a WhatsApp group specifically for your sponsorship and upload the pictures and video there. If you already have an adoption and have a WhatsApp group, just write to us via WhatsApp: Whatsapp: +49 151 6596 3737.Olive tree sponsorship 2023 certificate

In the group you will also get updates to your tree if there is something new. For example, if Ubaldo and his team have pruned your olive tree, or it is starting to bloom. However, we cannot guarantee that. It always depends on how we find the time to send you news.

Is the project “Adopt Olive Tree” CO2 neutral?

Our farms are organically certified and absolutely sustainable. And we are trying to apply this to all accompanying measures. For example.B. for the gift packages we use a cardboard box, which is made of 40% recycled material and 60% of grass. The filling material is made of 100% corn starch.

And we do not send the olive oil from Italy to all the godparents, but have set up camps in the countries from which most of the godparents come. The deposits are once approached by truck and supplied with olive oil. From there, the godparents are supplied with their olive oil.

When will the organic olive oil be delivered? And how much?

The amount of olive oil that you get sent depends on the one hand on the size of the adopted olive tree and on the other hand on the amount of the harvest. In good years we produce around 2,000 liters of organic olive oil, in bad years half or even less. Due to climate change, we were able to harvest almost no olives in 2021 and in 2022, so we changed our system. Each sponsor of an olive tree, whether a small olive tree or a large, 0.5 liters of organic olive oil from his tree. This is the amount that we can guarantee. After the harvest in October/November, we know how many olives the trees have produced and offer the olive tree sponsors to order more olive oil from their tree. This is how we avoid disappointment. Since the adoptions cost different depending on the tree, we credit 4.00 € per bottle when ordering the olive oil.

What is the difference to the gift package?

With normal adoption, you get everything digitally. The certificate as PDF, video, and photos either in a Dropbox folder or in a WhatsApp group. But if you want to hold something in your hands to present it at a wedding or birthday, you should choose a gift package. Because with the gift package, in Olive tree sponsorship special gift to the digital things, you get something sent home. A package of grass cardboard. The contents are a beautiful wooden frame with real glass plate in which the certificate is printed on beautiful cardboard. In addition, a sample bottle (250 ml) of the olive oil of the farm is included.

To the gift variant >>

Questions about olive tree sponsorships: What is the Taggiasca olive?

Taggiasca Olive is a very famous olive variety from the area of Imperia. It has a millennia-old history and is considered the best olive in Italy. In the 7th century it was brought to Imperia by the monks of Saint Columban and cultivated there. The monastery of the monks was in the municipality of Taggia, the namesake of the olive variety. More >>

olivenbaum patenschaft italien titel


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Adopt an organic olive tree in Italy

About the sponsorship >>
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Adopt organic olive trees in Italy

About the sponsorship >>

Organic Farming Italy: the modern way to promote organic farming and to obtain the best food.

Organic Farming Italy: the modern way to promote organic farming and to obtain the best food.

Welcome to Organic Farming Italy, your source for premium organic food direct from the producer. As part of a dedicated community of like-minded people in Europe, we are passionate about sustainable agriculture and protecting our natural environment. Our mission is to offer high quality products made in harmony with the environment and our beliefs.

Our journey began years ago when we made a commitment to grow food that not only tastes good, but also does good for the planet. In our sun-drenched olive groves in the region of Liguria, Italy, we cultivate Taggiasca olives of the highest quality. But that’s not all – our cultivation also includes delicious fruits, vegetables, organic wine and Mediterranean herbs. Our efforts are complemented by the collaboration with a beekeeper friend who provides us with the tastiest organic honey, directly from our farm.

Our philosophy is simple: we believe in transparency and sustainability at every stage of our growing process. Therefore we offer you the possibility to adopt an
adopt an organic olive tree
. If you do, your tree will be personally cared for by our experienced organic farmers and you will receive fresh organic olive oil made with love and care. You are also welcome to come to Oneglia in Liguria in the fall and help us with the harvest. But if you do not want to wait, our store is ready to offer you our
delicious olive oil
directly to you.

organic farming italy olivenernte


"This place is far too beautiful, the olive trees too enchanting, not to be shared with like-minded people."

olivenbaum patenschaft adoption

100% Authentic

We understand Organic Farming Italy as a task and a challenge at the same time to compete against industrial agriculture and to show that it is also possible to do it organically. To be authentic, with your own hands and biological fertilizer and with a lot of love for the plants.

bio olivenbaeume adoptieren

100% Organic

On our farms, everything is 100% organic, including the corresponding certificates. And it has been for years. On tens of hectares of land there is no trace of chemistry or non-organic substances. The quality of our products thanks us.

Organic Farming Italy Blüte

100% Sustainable

Organic Farming Italy is not just about the production of agricultural products. Through the organic care of the farms of Organic Farming Italy, we enjoy growing biodiversity. Often we find new rare herbs and insects.


Organic Farming Italy - Alpicella

Our farm, located near the picturesque tower "Alpicella", is a place of community and commitment to the environment. We believe that every product that comes from this earth tells a story - a story of dedication, respect for nature and a strong sense of sustainability.

If you are interested in Organic Farming Italy and prioritize promoting sustainability in your life, you have come to the right place. Our products are not only delicious, but also free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. We rely on natural and sustainable farming methods to ensure that our soil and crops are preserved for generations to come.

Visit us at our family estate and experience the true meaning of Organic Farming Italy. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Italian countryside, enjoy our certified organic olive products and support a sustainable future.

New Stuff - Stay up to date on Organic Farming Italy

Actually, there is a lot of news every day from our organic farmers at Organic Farming Italy. Only the time is missing to write down everything, take photos and put it on the net. We have a full program every day from morning to evening. And then we fall into bed and enjoy the peace and quiet. So, please don't be disappointed that we don't produce regular news.

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